The Enlightened Lover

Prepare to go on a journey to discover the inner most parts of YOU to reveal the kind of relationships and sex you need to feel emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually fulfilled.
About the Course

But First,
You will need to complete a New Student Session with Guru Amorah. This two-hour preliminary session will set the pace for your road ahead. You will first fill out the New Student Questionnaire located here. The information you provide is extremely helpful, so the more detail you disclose, the better! Upon submission, Guru Amorah meditates on your answers and receives intuitive insights about your current roadblocks and subconscious obstacles that have you feeling stuck without resolution to your problems.
When you arrive for your first session, Guru Amorah will enlighten you to practical solutions for your problems. These solutions will come in the form of powerful and deeply healing, somatic coaching such as:
- Inner Child Healing
- Shadow Work
- Sex & Relationship Coaching
- Guided Healing Meditations
- Breath work
You will have the opportunity to partake in one of these exercises (or two if time permits) during your first session. This then gives you an opportunity to get a better feel of what to expect in your future sessions.
After completing your New Student Session, the real coaching begins!

What to Expect
Here's how you can expect your 2-hour coaching sessions to flow.
Talk Therapy
The first 20-3o minutes of your session begins with talk therapy. You come with what’s on your heart and then receive psychic life coaching in return.
Psychic Life Coaching is included in ALL your sessions. This means that with your consent, Guru Amorah will be in constant flow and contact with your spirit team and will act and speak according to the information she is intuiting from any benevolent being that serves your best interest. Generally speaking this looks like, but is not limited to: your Higher Self, Arch Angels, Spirit Guides, and healed Ancestors.
Educational Lectures & Reading
This particular portion of the session is dedicated to expanding your knowledge on the topic at hand (each module's theme). In doing so, we read from the Enlightened Lover Handbook - inspired from The Somatica Method and discuss in real-time certain thought provoking points and questions you will be prompted with.
Guided Somatic Exercises
Each module has a somatic exercise that pairs beautifully with the reading. Somatic exercises are defined as an experience that requires mindfulness to complete. This includes but is not limited to: body scans, sensory engagement, physical touch, self-soothing techniques, movement, breath work, meditations, grounding exercises, and erotic energy exchange between you and Guru Amorah.
For more information on what kinds of somatic exercises to expect within this course, continue exploring the modules below!
Homeplay (a.k.a homework)
After each session you will be given Homeplay to complete in between your sessions to keep you aligned with your goals and intentions for coaching. These fun exercises are created with purpose to make your journey of self discovery fun!
Upon Completion
Once you have completed the course in its entirety, you will have the time to reflect on your journey and see how far you’ve come. The inner discovery and mastery have now transformed your physical reality because of the tools you've learned to rewire your brain. You have birthed yourself into a new reality and are enjoying the life and love you’ve always wished for yourself.
Congratulations and Salutations!

The purpose of this program is Self-mastery in regards to sexual expression, sexual pleasure, and intimate connections. Expect emotional sharing, erotic energy exchange, and sensual two-way touch (in-person only). NO kissing, licking, biting, or touching of the genitals to stimulate orgasm will be permitted in session. Clothes will remain on at all times.
You are instead encouraged to engage in sexual activities outside of session with oneself or consensual partners with purpose to confidently share and demonstrate your knew-found knowledge and skills.
In-Person Sessions or Zoom
Please keep in mind that all sessions can be done in-person or video conferenced over Zoom.
Hover to Discover Each Module
Erotic Embodiment Breathing

Learning to incorporate conscious breath into your sexual experiences helps you stay well attuned to yourself, your sensations, your emotions, your body, and the present moment. This is an excellent way to get out of your head and more fully into your body. Learning the Erotic Embodiment Breathing Technique is foundational to every module you will do moving forward because it helps you ground and tune into your natural, sexual energy.
Somatic Exercise
1. Erotic Embodiment Breathing
Redefining Your Sex
& Relationship Goals

This module calls you to awaken to your sexual truth as we co-create an action plan that helps you align your life to fulfill your sexual needs and relationship goals. Prepare to take a Pertinent Survey as we take a closer look at the things in which may be blocking you from achieving your goals and how you can attain them.
Somatic Exercises
1. Conscious Objective
Getting in Touch with Your Body & Its Erotic Energy

Getting in touch with your body and allowing yourself to move, breathe, and make sound is foundational to knowing what you want and experiencing more pleasure in the body.
Somatic Exercise
1. Learn how to be your own best lover by connecting with your erotic energy through peripheral touch and trance meditation.
Core Desires

The key to having the most fulfilling and hottest sex possible is knowing what your biggest turn-ons are; particularly, what sensations & emotions you want to feel during sex.
In this module, you will take part in a meditation that will guide you out of your head and into the present moment as you learn how to engage with your emotional feeling body and sexual energy. This higher intelligence will then guide you on how to create the hottest and most satisfying sex you ever had.
You will also learn how to heighten and expand your awareness of your sexual tendencies as you discover your identity within the Three Dimensions of Sex: role play, sexual trance, & partner engagement. Knowing your tendencies helps further you along in getting your needs met for a fulfilling sex life.
Somatic Exercise
1. Guided Meditation - Discover your Core Desires.
Hottest Sexual Movie

Learn how to make your fantasies a reality! Deepen your understanding of what turns you on by exploring your fantasies and fetishes with touch, storytelling, words, & gestures.
Somatic Exercises
1. Enjoy a guided meditation through a tantric fantasy.
2. Spark your creativity and imagination with a romantic fantasy.
3. Let your passion grow wild with the experiential exercise of witnessing and demonstrating "Passion Up Against the Wall."
4. Master dominance & submission techniques. (Or giving and receiving.)
5. Teach your Hottest Sexual Movie
Touching for Your Own Pleasure

Showing out your erotic energy is a very vulnerable act for both genders. In this module you will learn how to build compassion for yourself and your desires during this process- bringing your "I want you" energy through your touch and, breath, gaze, and movements.
Somatic Exercise
1. Take turns touching your partner in a way that sexually satisfies your appetite alone.
Attachment Styles

In this module, you will understand where you fall on the Spectrum of Attachment as you analyze your Individuation Style within relationships. Your attachment style was solidified in childhood as a model for how you got your needs met and the pattern continues in adult relationships. Your style of attachment affects your partner selection to how well your relationships progress, to sadly, how they end. That is why recognizing your attachment pattern can help you understand your strengths and vulnerabilities in a relationship.
Somatic Exercises
Explore and determine your attachment style.
Learn how and demonstrate how to show up as a Securely Attached individual through role play of different scenarios.
For the Divine Masculine: Men's Desires & Rejection Around Desire

If you experience shame or fear in sharing your sexual desires as a man to the woman you desire, this module will help you better understand your hinderances you have around fully embracing your sexual desires.
Somatic Exercise
Learn how to cope with the disappointment of not being fully received when you express your sexual desires.
Learn what you instead would like to hear and experience to be fully received when expressing your sexual expressions.
For the Divine Masculine: Translating Sexual Acts into Feelings

Designed to help men better understand their core desires by realizing the feelings certain sexual experiences give them. Learn how to express your feelings of desire and arousal to your female partner n a productive way that gets you what you want!
Somatic Exercise
Practice dirty talk with verbalizations that sound more arousing to your female partner that also convey your sexual needs and desires.
For the Divine Masculine: Initiating Sex & Receiving Pleasure

For men to have a great sex life it's important to learn how to please your partner AND share with them how YOU would like to be approached, touched, and pleased sexually. In this module you will practice sharing what gives you the most pleasure and practicing the art of asking for what you want through the art of active receiving.
Somatic Exercise
1. Show and tell with initiation and touch.

In this module you will explore the relationship and difference between self-love and self-care. You will understand why they are so important and foundational to your overall wellbeing and ability to give and receive in your relationships.
Somatic Exercise
Explore the 5 Love Languages and learn different techniques to apply them to yourself.
Self-care reflection and questionnaire.
Inner Goddess Visualization for the Divine Feminine

In this exciting module, you will be guided to reconnect with your Divine Feminine through an Inner Goddess Visualization. This process is meant to help you resolve trauma related to your sexuality and feeling attractive as you recover your natural beauty state and regain confidence in your feminine qualities.
Somatic Exercises
Guided meditation and healing.
Owning the Tease for the Divine Feminine

Coming from a Stipper of 7 years, Guru Amorah will help you develop the tools and attitude to feel more confident in yourself and your appearance as you share your sexuality and its unique expressions.
Somatic Exercises
Own the tease – empowering your flirtatious and sexual expressions
Show yourself out!
Communication & Forgiveness - An Ethic of Repair

Building the necessary skills to communicate effectively is essential for any relationship both in and outside of the bedroom.
In this module you will master proper communication techniques used to:
· Repair and resolve conflict.
· Express your feelings & needs without blame or judgement.
· Increase your true empathetic nature and subsequently improve your quality of life and those you have relations with.
· Bring balance, harmony and unification to your relationships.
· Expand your consciousness and elevate your ability to become more mindful.
Somatic Exercises
1. Share feelings vulnerably
2. Empathetic listening
3. Copping to it
4. Providing reassurance
5. Practice a full repair conversation

To better manage your emotional, physical & mental wellbeing, understanding your triggers: is key. Triggers are the sensations you feel at the times you feel most threatened, overwhelmed, or stressed. A trigger can affect your ability to remain present in the moment and may bring up specific thought patterns or influence your behavior.
Contrastingly, when you use trigger warnings as opportunities to shift your protective responses into more conscious connecting, you are benefiting from their utmost potential.
This module will help you gain a deeper understanding of how your triggers and automatic responses are affecting you and your body. Most importantly, you will learn how to shift your protective responses into more conscious connecting.
Somatic Exercises
1. Map your triggers
Relationship Challenges & Trigger Warnings

The need for consent is one of the most important things for anyone to feel prior to engaging in sexual fun. If one person is not on the same page as the other(s) then this can unfortunately steamroll into bigger problems that undermine your needs of safety, equality, and respect. In this module, you'll gain a deeper understanding yourself and how to properly honor your boundaries as well as the needs of others.
Somatic Exercises
Have a consent conversation
How to escalate in sexual activities while confirming ongoing consent

Boundaries are essential uphold in any relationship. However, most of us do not have a visceral sense of what it is like to have a boundary, especially when you have never really felt the right to these since early childhood. This module will help you gain a sense of what it's like to walk in a world and clearly know where you end, and others begin.
Somatic Exercises
Boundary Bubbles
Boundary Mapping: How to tell when your boundaries are being crossed.
How to offer a boundary lovingly.
How to give constructive feedback.
The Inner Child

Every adult has an inner child inside of them, both fun loving, resilient, connected, and compassionate, as well as a hurt child. Sometimes, when we are triggered or upset, the inner child will be activated, and this leads us to use the old, unhelpful defense mechanisms instead of the adult tools we now have or are learning. This includes the ability to tell people our needs, feelings, and boundaries in a connected way. While we think of being a child as an experience that is supposed to be fun and full of joy and playfulness, the truth is being a child has some very big challenges. We are dependent on others for our needs, others make choices for us, and sometimes regardless of what we want. No matter how healthy the family dynamics, every child experiences hurts and disappointments in a relationship. Learn the techniques to tune into your inner child and offer yourself the healing you need.
Somatic Exercises
Visiting the Inner Child Meditation
Playing with the Inner Child
Attuning to Your Emotions

In this module, you will learn how to attune and regulate your emotions by understanding the root causes or origins of your suffering. By learning the techniques to provide yourself your own therapy, you will learn the proper techniques of how to navigate your reality to end your suffering.
Somatic Exercises
Emotional Regulation Guided Meditation

Learning how to process and handle rejection is one of the most difficult life skills to master as the ego is a very fragile mechanism. In this module we will cover how best to handle these situations with your head held high and your dignity tactfully still in place.
Somatic Exercises
Rejection Reflection
Discuss tools for how to handle and overcome rejection.
Rejection Roleplay.
Partner Attunement

Attunement is an essential life skill that stems from empathy and describes how responsive you are to another's needs and feelings, as well as to your own. This module is geared towards helping you tune into yourself as well as to others so that line of communication stays clear and needs are honored and respected- the ebb and flow of giving and receiving.
Somatic Exercise
Let's deepen our intimacy skills by taking turns sharing a current conflict we are facing and practice attunement as you hear, feel, see and understand the other.
Intimacy through Eye Contact

Connecting through the eyes is a highly underestimated practice that allows for deeper intimacy. It also is a great way to take breaks in the heat of sexual experiences because it deepens the connection while in the act thereof.
Somatic Exercise
Practice eye gazing while receiving loving affirmations.
Physically Nurturing Expereince

A physically nurturing experience can be extremely healing. Its purpose serves as an embodied experience of attachment that helps people connect to themselves and others thus enhancing safety and a sense of lovability and while lowering anxiety.
Somatic Exercise
Learn to download a calm nervous system while in the act of holding and cuddling.

Everything we think and feel about other people goes through our own subjective lens. In this module you will learn about how your lens has been shaping your reality and how to see people and situations as they really are.
Somatic Exercise
Projection shares with no filter.
3 Dimensions of Sex

Role Play, Trance, and Partner Engagement make up the three dimensions of sex. Prepare to explore each dimension to better understand your tendencies as well as understanding those of others and how to bridge them while keeping your core desires in mind.
Somatic Exercise
Engage in role play, trance, and partner engagement scenarios with Guru Amorah as you learn what feels most comfortable to you and how to relax more in them.
Creating an Energy Circuit

For arousal to build between two or more people, it's important that each person is able to feel, project towards, and take in another person's erotic energy.
Somatic Exercise
Using the Erotic Embodiment Breathing Technique we will join in unison and experience the merging of our energies. Then we will engage in light touch as we stay connected through our breath.
Meeting & Dating

In this module, you'll learn how to exude confidence when meeting potential dating partners, gain the courage to ask them out and/or learn how to initiate deeper conversations & connections - mentally, emotionally, spiritually & physically.
Somatic Exercises
1. Flirting 101 -- intertwining your sexual energy in conversation
2. How to face rejection -- a reality we all must face
3. “What are we doing?” – Defining your relationship conversation.
4. Online dating/dating profiles. See how to create an intriguing dating profile that catches the eyes of the right lover for you.
An Unconditional Love Reflection

One of the most important things you can learn when fostering secure attachment and reinforcing your boundaries is understanding the difference between conditional and unconditional forms of love.
Somatic Exercise
Learn about how the love you experienced as a child has bled over and into your love life. Prepare to reflect and talk about how you would like to improve your current experience of receiving love.

Your feelings can deeply influence your state of wellbeing, so having awareness of them allows you the flexibility to respond in such a way that is beneficial for both you as well as others. It also allows for stronger connections and heartfelt intimacy with the people you love because of the deep level of understanding, compassion, and empathy you have developed through these insights.
In this module, you will learn how to connect with your emotional feeling body through a moving meditation which will help you to distinguish you register emotion.
Somatic Exercises
1. Guided Moving Meditation: Embodied Feelings Journey
Because this module brings up so much emotion, it's important to know and understand their source; specifically if they are trauma-based. If these emotions are not properly sourced, managed, healed, or let go of, then they have nowhere to go but deeper inside you. They have the potential to destroy you from the inside out negatively effect on your relationships that keep you stuck in toxic patterns you are only doomed to repeat.
Individual Feelings

Embodiment is the felt sense of being inside of your body in the present moment. When people are in their bodies, they fully experience their lives, emotions, and sensations. This connection creates a pathway to deeper self-understanding and self-expression.
Somatic Exercises
The Embodiment Game (practice doing something out of your comfort zone)

In this module, you will learn how society's sex and sexuality standards have influenced your life and expression thereof. Lastly, you will also discuss how societal oppression & privilege impacts you through race, gender, &/or internalized homophobia as well as heal from such projections of hatred.
Join me in a guided meditation that will help you release and transform your negative core beliefs you have mistakenly adopted due to societal pressures and messages you have taken on.
Transform your feelings of depression, guilt, and shame as you face your fears and transmute them into beautiful sensations of love for your TrueSelf as you experience sexual liberation and fulfillment.
Lastly, you will also discuss how societal oppression & privilege impacts you through race, gender, &/or internalized homophobia as well as heal from such projections of hatred.
Somatic Exercises
1. Two-way share
2. Discuss oppression & privilege
Sex, Socialization,
& Sexual Messages
Transcending Sexual Shame

Deep rooted shame has a damaging effect on the nervous system, psyche, and heart. It can also be a major road block for asking for what you want in your sexual experiences. In this module, you will learn how peel back the layers of your shame and transmute your deep seeded guilt into unconditional acceptance, love, and forgiveness.
Somatic Exercises
Two-Way Shame Share.
Forgiveness Meditation.
If you have experienced sexual trauma recently or anytime in the past, including your childhood then this module be dedicated to a session of QUANTUM HEALING HYPNOSIS THERAPY.
In the past, you may have relied on your ability to disassociate to cope; however a QHHT session will instead give you the tools to relax and fully enjoy your sexual experiences moving forward.
I am here for you and ready to help you move forward as I guide you to healing and receptivity to intimacy once again.
Somatic Exercise
1. QHHT Session
