What is Shakti Yoga?

About the Course
This yogic course will completely change and transform you from the inside-out. Prepare to challenge yourself and dive deep into your body, mind, and spirit as Guru Amorah takes you on a journey back home, to you. That you who has the tools and resources necessary to conquer your greatest wellness intentions.
As a Psychic Medium, I will be working closely with you providing you guidance where applicable in your life as you move through the entire module. As the Yoga of Awareness, these lesson plans are meant to crack you open, bringing awareness to the things that need to change so that transformation in your inner and outer worlds can occur.
Each module/session includes:
- A brief educational lecture about the module's topic with an applicable spiritual lesson.
- Krya Yoga
- Savasana (relaxation) or guided shamanic drumming journey.
- Matching, meditation. These include, chanting mantras through song, or guided healing meditations.
The course is comprised of 20 total modules that go in sequencial order to promote the transformation of your body, mind, and spirit. Here's a deeper look!
But First,
You will need to complete a New Student Session with Guru Amorah. This two-hour preliminary session will set the pace for your road ahead. You will first fill out the New Student Questionnaire located here. The information you provide is extremely helpful, so the more detail you disclose, the better! Upon submission, Guru Amorah meditates on your answers and receives intuitive insights about your current roadblocks and subconscious obstacles that have you feeling stuck without resolution to your problems.
When you arrive for your first session, Guru Amorah will enlighten you to practical solutions for your problems. ​These solutions will come in the form of powerful and deeply healing, somatic coaching such as:
- Inner Child Healing
- Shadow Work
- Sex & Relationship Coaching
- Guided Healing Meditations
- Breath work
You will have the opportunity to partake in one of these exercises (or two if time permits) during your first session. This then gives you an opportunity to get a better feel of what to expect in your future sessions.
After completing your New Student Session, the real coaching begins!
2 hr
498 US dollars

Forgiveness is the key to letting go of the past so that one can move forward in life. Forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves so that we can move on from the events or people that hurt us so that we can align with our destined future instead of drowning in the muck that weighs us down.
In this krya, prepare to have someone in mind that you would like to forgive and prepare to let go and heal with love by your side.
You are now ready to start to completing a specific module listed on your Road Map to Success. Your Road Map to Success is an outline of all the Shakti Yoga modules. This will be given to you after your investment in the course so that you can keep track of your progress. If we are going to complete a specific module for an assigned day, you will know ahead of time so that you can come prepared. Otherwise, the modules and exercises will be intuited on the spot according to your needs.
Homeplay (a.k.a homework)
After each session you will be given Homeplay to complete in between your sessions to keep you aligned with your goals and intentions for coaching. These fun exercises are created with purpose to make your journey of Self discovery fun!
Upon Completion
Once you have completed the course in its entirety, you will have the time to reflect on your journey and see how far you’ve come. The inner discovery and mastery have now transformed into your physical reality because you the tools and resources necessary to rewire your brain and rewrite your book have now fallen in your lap. You have birthed yourself into a new reality and are getting the life and love you’ve always wished for in return because you put in the work. And it all started with you loving yourself enough to invest in your future to cultivate the life of your dreams.
Congratulations and Salutations!

Module 1
Krya of Forgiveness
Forgiveness is the key to letting go of the past so that one can move forward in life. Forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves so that we can move on from the events or people that hurt us so that we can align with our destined future instead of drowning in the muck that weighs us down.
In this krya, prepare to have someone in mind that you would like to forgive and prepare to let go and heal with love by your side.

Module 2
Krya for Self-Realization
Self-realization is all about getting a clearer picture of who you are in your purest form so that your Soul can guide you home to YOU.
This lesson plan will inspire you as it gifts you with potential to attain the best version of yourself faster than what you thought was possible.

Module 3
Krya to Align Your Light
This module teaches you the importance of your daily Sadhana, a spiritual practice involving meditating and movement arts with the goal of growth and expansion, and how your Sadhana affects your wellbeing.

Module 5
Krya of Knowing
In this module you will learn about the history of life and “standing up.” What this means, is that this lesson plan will bring illumination of how life on Earth began and how its creatures went from 1-dimensional beings to 3-dimensional beings through the art of standing up. Because it was through the survival of the fittest, that those who were strong enough to survive Earth’s elements, were the ones who stood up; the ones who had enough brain development to recognize who they were (Self-realization) and that they indeed did have the innate ability (KNOWING) to survive. This process is what you call innate knowing.

Module 7
Krya to Connect with Your Angels & Spirit Guides
In this module you will learn about the harmonic relationships between man and spirit as you are guided through krya that will open you to the Divine. This krya is paired with a Shamanic drumming meditation where you will meet your Spirit Guides who will greet you with a message.

Module 9
Ma-Sa-Ya Sahej Ease Krya
Pure physiology is the study of how the body shapes and moves itself to engage an organ, gland, or nervous system to attain a measurable physical result. This krya is specifically designed to create the sensation of ease throughout the body as we learn how to turn on the parasympathetic nervous system through yoga.

Module 4
Krya of Vastu
When you learn about cosmic history (how the Cosmos come to be) it helps you put the universe to scale so that you can then see how your microcosmic world fits in to that picture.
This lesson plan will help you take the steps you need to get out of your own way so that you may understand your place in this vast space and ultimately, the doors to your Enlightenment.

Module 6
Beej Seed Krya
Universal, megaversal forces reference to the large energy bodies located all over the cosmos which harness huge amounts of prana and light codes to help its inhabitants thrive. Some examples would be the Moon, Sun, Planets, Mother Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, Ether, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Humankind has been blessed with these universal, megaversal forces as each one has much to give to us. As we learn about all their gifts, we can then choose to use them for the greater good and/or for the good of ourselves as they move through us to generate and create the things, we want to see manifest in our reality.
This module will teach you how you can open yourself up to receiving the help from these forces as you learn to work with them.

Module 8
Krya to Expand the Aura
This module will explain the science behind how your mind, body, and spirit work within the kryas to form physical results in your waking life. You will also learn more about your aura and how to use it for protection as well as projecting light and love to others.

Module 10
Krya for Circulation & Clarity
Having once completed Metaphysiology & Physiology modules you will fully understand how to piece together a necessary krya for you in the moment so that you will have all the tools and resources you need to succeed in your visualized outcome.
The matching krya assists the student in creating the space within for an open mind to assist the Soul with going with the flow of life as opposed to trying to control life itself.

Module 11
Krya to Align with Your Destiny
This module covers the study of the evolution of yoga and the unionization that takes place within these practices. This includes but is not limited to, the body and all of its aspects, physically, mentally, emotionally and etherically, as well as the union that happens with other yogis and yourself around shared purpose.
The powerful, matching krya assists in the awakening of your life’s purpose and prepares you energetically to align with your destiny.

Module 12
Krya of Awakening
All forms of yoga raise the Kundalini energy, however Kundalini Yoga focuses very specifically on that activity. Kundalini being a Light/Life Force shines through the crystalline body which has a direct effect on the physical body. In this module you will learn more in-depth what exactly Kundalini energy is and how to manipulate it to work in your favor of your evolutionary growth and conscious awakening.
The matching krya helps bring this awareness to the forefront of the mind so that it can notice these subtle shifts as they happen in the present moment.

Module 13
Krya as a Tool for Meditation Preparation
In this module and krya, we explore mindfully the aspects of self-sensing and self-realization as we let life become a moving meditation by practicing mindfulness through silence, movements, mantra, visualizations, and use of the auditory senses.

Module 14
Kyra to Empower Your Voice
In this module you will learn about the science of sound along with the power of mantra and how it affects the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. When we understand how the effects influence our being, we then can use our words to empower our projections of the mind.

Module 15
Krya for Healthy Glands & Organs
All emotions are valuable. With mindfulness, we can use them as tools or indicators of something that is either in our alignment or out of our alignment. In this module, you will learn how your emotional body affects your physical body; as well as how we can bring balance to it. With your newly gained awareness, you will then learn how to separate yourself from your emotions so that they do not control you as you begin to see yourself instead as the Soul who feels them and responds according to your Divine Will.

Module 16
Kashi Krya for Centeredness
As within, so without. As above, so below. The state of our inner world has a direct correlation to the reality we experience in our outer world. When we learn how to bring our thoughts and emotions into harmony, we then can experience what is called, “centeredness”. When we are centered, we are standing in our power. We recognize that we can control our thoughts, feelings, and actions. With this, comes an outstanding sensation of inner peace. This module dives deep into this understanding and promotes harmony within.

Module 17
Sage Warrior Krya
Mawgic is the feminine half of the material universe (the Ma or Yin), Lawgic is the masculine half of physical universe (Yang).
The Sage Warrior is the individual who maneuvers through life by balancing and harmonizing the Mawgic and Lawgic universal energies and to serve their wellbeing as well as the benefit of others.

Module 18
Bhavishya Krya
Beyond our senses lies a body known to man as Intuition. In this module you will learn how to become more attune to the subtle energies trying to communicate with you. The more in tune we are with our Intuition, the more it serves us in our walk of life with certainty that everything is truly okay.
This krya heightens your connection with Intuition and opens the door to more communication from the Divine or your Divine Self (Soul).

Module 19
Core Power Krya
This module covers the science of humans, life, and light and how all three of these components make up a being, such as yourself who encompasses Divine Power. Harnessing Divine Power allows the individual to use the energy from Divine Source itself to animate the body into will/will power. Will power is needed to do anything that requires effort be it walking, moving objects, working, eating, …everything! Without will power, we are dead fish floating in water and going with the flow. Will power enlivens us to take powerful action to get the impossible done. This module will leave you feeling empowered and teaches you how to tap into the power of the Divine to plant seeds of good will in everything you do and everyone you meet.

Module 20
Krya for Openness
When we open ourselves to receiving the energies of the Divine, we then give it room to alchemize thought forms of bigotry, bias, and phobias into light frequencies of love. When we are open, we welcome change and loosen the reins of control over life. We begin to realize that life is constantly working in our favor, as opposed to being a victim to it. We allow life to flow through us and work with our circumstances, people, and our environment to help expand and grow our Soul.
Payment Options
Save $2,000 when you sign up for the complete Shakti Yoga Course!
Each session is priced at $200 as opposed to purchasing them individually at $300 per session.
Shakti Yoga
4,000$Valid for one year- Twenty, 2-hour sessions.
- Priced at $200 per session.
- Save $2,000!
Or, enjoy the life transformative benefits of the Shakti Yoga Course by purchasing TEN or FIVE discounted sessions at a time!

Shakti Yoga: 10 Sessions
Valid for 6 months
Ten, 2-hour sessions.
Priced at $225 per session.
Save $750!!

Shakti Yoga: 5 Sessions
Valid for 4 months
Five, 2-hour sessions.
Priced at $250 per session.
Save $250!!
Want to jump in but not quite ready to take a deep dive? Then dip your toes in by purchasing individual, Shakti Yoga sessions here!
2 hr
300 US dollars